samedi 2 août 2014

Fireworks & Pyro Projects Ebook
Fireworks & Pyro Projects eBook, is the largest and most exciting collection of practical fireworks projects ever assembled in one book.

Why does John Steinberg call Fireworks & Pyro Projects "the ultimate guide to the pyro hobbyist's universe?"

Because it is the largest collection of fireworks projects --more than 120-- ever written.

Because they were written by living fireworks masters using materials available to anyone today.

Look at what you get in Fireworks & Pyro Projects. All 120+ projects were previously published in Skylighter's newsletters. Now they have been reformatted, updated and neatly organized into a single book. You can download all of these projects minutes from now.

  • Making Incredible Aerial Shells: 11 projects
  • Making Fireworks Rockets Better than Anything You've Ever Seen: 21 projects
  • Making Fireworks Stars in Every Color of the Rainbow: 25 projects
  • Making Your Own Black Powder That's Better Than Storebought: 3 projects
  • Using Consumer Fireworks to Make Knockout Fireworks Displays: 11 projects
  • How Fusing & Electric Ignition Really Make Professional Fireworks: 8 projects
  • Ground Effects, the Secret Fireworks That Dazzle Audiences: 23 projects
  • Equipment, Tools & Processes: Everything You Need to Make Your Own Fireworks: 11 projects
  • Technical: The Details You Need to Know: 9 projects
What readers like about Fireworks & Pyro Projects
  • In a nutshell it is the variety of projects & total scope of the book. Simply put, no book on making fireworks has ever covered this much ground, nor done such a thorough job of it.

    "I also like that it's written simply and clearly. I've got a couple of other pyro books, and they wander off out into the weeds on the technical aspects that I don't yet understand. That's made it difficult for me to really get started... I can get my feet wet and learn the basics without being bogged down."

  • eBook format vs. a printed book: you can download it and save it on your computer forever.

    "I like it's being on my computer. It'll never get dog eared or coffee stained."

    "I'm in the computer industry, so I really appriciate being able to always have my book with me on a thumbdrive."

  • Instantly searchable: find any word, topic or phrase in seconds.

  • Simply written in clear, plain English. No pyrotechnical jargon to wonder about.

    "Everything is explained in wonderful detail. You can be confident that any project you do will be successful if you can follow directions. The videos are awesome and lead you through all the steps you need."

  • Thorough: everything you need to know is given in each project. Covers a wide range of subject matter and fireworks projects. Very detailed, yet easy to understand by anyone. A list of all the materials needed are included with each project. Nothing is left out. Nothing left to guess about.

    "The great attention to detail in the text is actually more than I expected. So many text books assume you already know the basics and the jargon."

  • Beginners to advanced: small safe, quiet projects all the way to professional level display fireworks worthy of any audience in the world.

  • Up to date: uses chemicals, and materials available to anyone today. Older books have methods and chemicals which are no longer available or would be considered suicidal to do today.

  • Written by master fireworks makers. Contributions from dozens of well-known contemporary fireworks masters, who are still practicing their fireworks art today.

  • 819 pages. It is encyclopedic in its range of topics and yet long on practical "how to" content and short on theory.

    "The magnum opus about fireworks building."

  • Dozens of pyrotechnic formulas. It's like having your own recipe book for every imaginable color, composition and effect, along with detailed mixing instructions so that you get them right every time.

  • Step by step instructions. Nothing is left out. No dangerous guesswork.

  • Hundreds of color photos and diagrams. The most well illustrated book on fireworks in existence.

  • Videos embedded right in projects. Click on any video image and play the videos right inside your eBook! They let you know exactly what steps to take and how to do them. Best of all, you get videos showing exactly how the firework is supposed to look when you light it!

This rich, multi-media approach makes Fireworks & Pyro Projects the clearest and easiest book to use on making fireworks ever published.

You will want to use it both on your computer and as printed instructions in your workshop.

Why use Fireworks & Pyro Projects on a computer?

The videos embedded in many of the projects will only play on your computer. So, whether you print it all out or not, keep a copy of it there for a backup and so you can watch the excellent instructional videos.

You can print out as few or as many pages as you want.

Want to make red stars tonight? Just print that chapter out and take it to your shop.

Did you get the pages for the blue go-getters dirty when you made that batch of stars? No problem. Just print that chapter out again, fresh and clean.

Can I get Fireworks & Pyro Projects as a printed book?

No. Here's why. It costs more than you would want to pay. Since most of the 819 pages are in color, a printed version would cost you hundreds of dollars. And you would lose all of the valuable videos, links to related projects, and information only available in a modern eBook.

Instead, you download Fireworks & Pyro Projects as an "eBook." The eBook gives you the best of both worlds. You get the multi-media richness of using the book on your computer, and you can take it anywhere on a thumbdrive.

And you can print out any project from the book and use it in your workshop or at a fireworks event. Make note on the pages. Or get them dirty, spill coffee on them and throw them away. No problem.

How much does Fireworks & Pyro Projects cost?

There are many printed fireworks books which cost much more and only cover a fraction of fireworks projects that Fireworks & Pyro Projects does.

Only $97

That's only 80 cents per fireworks project!

To order Fireworks & Pyro Projects, just click the button below.

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Bestseller In 1 Day! System - $62 Payout/sale!
Are you an aspiring author? Do you ever dream of writing a best selling book and getting all the notoriety and riches that come with it? Wait no more. "How to Write a Bestseller in 40 Days or Less!" by Barbara DeBolt is a complete step by step guide to writing a bestseller in 40 days or less.
Bestsellers as Formula Books
The premise behind the books is that best sellers are nothing more than formula books. A formula book is a book that fits a certain pattern - A happens before B which happens before C but at the same time as D and so on. In fact, if you read a large number of best selling novels in a particular genre - say adventure novels like Clive Cussler and the like, you will notice that they all follow a certain rhythm. You would expect the rhythm of a certain author to be fairly consistent but if you read 10 best selling authors in that genre, you will find that the rhythm/ the pattern of the books by all of them are almost identical.
The Book
"How to Write a Bestseller in 40 Days or Less!" walks you through a particular formula used in best sellers for a variety of sizes of books - from 40,000 words up to 625,000 words. It breaks down the books into the specific flows that need to be followed and what percentage of the book should be related to each of these flows. It is an appropriate guide, a recipe if you will, for writing a fictional best seller.
It states that each book should roughly have the following sections (all of which must be presented at exactly the right point in the book and for the appropriate number of pages to give maximum impact.)
  • Introduction of characters and the mood of the book
  • The main issue/theme of the book - what is going on
  • A strong development of the main character and the theme
  • Turning point - an event happens to the main character that wraps that character into the theme
  • The hero begins to mold himself or herself to the events at hand
  • The hero becomes completely committed to solving the issue
  • All heck breaks loose - chaos
  • The hero gets a grip on all these loose ends and begins to pull them together
  • The wind down - loose ends are all tied together and the conclusion is reached - with perhaps hints of left over bits that can be wrapped into a sequel.
Obviously, there is a lot more to writing a best seller than just following this formula but chances are your fiction work won't become a best seller if it doesn't follow this formula pretty closely.
How to Proceed
If you are serious about writing a best seller or even just a darn good novel, I'd recommend getting this book and reading it. It is a quick read. Including all the formulas, it is only a bit over 100 pages. After you read it, pick up a best seller and find the formula that most closely matches the length of the book and start reading the book. Make notations on a piece of paper when you identify the elements that are discussed in the book and see how closely they parallel the formula.
Once you have done this exercise, you have begun to internalize the flow of a best seller.
Now do it a few more times with a few more best sellers to really get a strong grip on the formula.
Once you are very comfortable with the formula, you need to start writing. This may sound silly but the best way to get into the flow of best seller writing style is to actually take a few best sellers and write them out by hand. By doing this rather painful but quite effective exercise, you will internalize the style(s) used within the pages - the action words used, the scene transitions from chapter to chapter, the character interactions, the balance of conversation vs description, etc.
These are skills that need to be mastered to bring the formula to life. By taking this "shortcut", you will have a much higher chance of success than just sitting down and starting to write. In fact, with this formula, you can do the above exercise at the same time you are writing. Since you know how the sections of the book need to break down, you can just work with a portion of several existing best sellers and then work on your own version of that portion of the book and sort of go back and forth until that section is polished. And then, move on to the next section.
Not a quick process
In spite of the premise of the title - writing a best selling book in 40 days - expect it to take longer unless you are already a gifted writer. Writing, like anything else, is a skill that must be mastered, There is a careful balance that must be achieved in the book to bring it and the characters to life and that only comes with practice.
Do I recommend the book?
If you are truly interested in giving it your best shot, the book is a shortcut. All the information presented in the book is already in the best sellers themselves but it takes time and energy to build the roadmap yourself. I give the book a B rating because I don't believe it stands completely by itself. In other words, I don't think many people could pick it up and learn how to write a best seller - but I do think it can certainly help.
However, I personally believe you will better integrate the process by taking the longer route of building the roadmap yourself. If I were going to do it, I would choose three best sellers by three different authors in the genre I was interested in and I would handwrite each of the three books and make notations about flow, character style, etc. as I went along for each book. I also would have a long term goal of having a first book written in 12 to 24 months and tackle it as a part time effort so the process and the creative effort stays enjoyable.
Take action now!
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Diy Auto Body & Paint Training Program And Vip Community
If your like me having a clean and sharp looking car is very important. You take your car to get washed and detailed, you may even spend the money to have the car repainted, just to get that showroom floor look. All this washing and polishing may make your paint look great, but can wreak havoc on your tail light lenses. Today we will outline what it takes to polish your tail lights to give them a better than new shine.
The supplies needed to do this project are relatively cheap, some of which you may already have around the house. The rest of them can be easily obtained from your local hardware store or auto body supply house. You will need some 400 grit wet sanding paper, a buffing wheel, a buffer to mount it to, a clean terry cloth towel, and some sort of plastic polishing compound. Several companies have products on the market for this, I prefer the one made by the Eastwood Company.
Start by removing the tail lights from the vehicle. Some people will attempt to leave the tail lights in during this step, however it is not recommended as you can slip and accidentally sand down your cars paint. Once removed you may start sanding down the lenses with your 400 grit wet sand paper. It is not necessary to sand the entire lens, just any blemishes on them. You may also choose to sand down the DOT lettering and other part numbers at this time, to give a cleaner look. Be sure to keep the sand paper wet.
Once you have finished sanding down the lens, wash it thoroughly with soap and water. I recommend using a dish soap for this part as the de-greasing agent in the soap will remove any remaining wax that may be on the lens. Dry the lens fully.
Once the lens is dry, its time to start the polishing process. Spin the buffing wheel and start to pick up the polishing compound you got from the auto body repair supply house into it. Do not take to much compound on the wheel, just enough to start to change the color of the wheel. Start applying it to the lens, but be careful not to sit in one area for to long as this will cause a over heating issue which can lead to a warped and melted lens. Move quickly back and forth over the lens and you will avoid this issue all together. Wipe any excess compound off with the towel. If you start to get black blobs on the surface its a sign that you are using to much compound.
At this point continue buffing until you see desired results. It wont be long now until your old lenses have a new glass like finish! Sit back, relax, and enjoy your results.
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Wholesale Car Covers Online
Internet sales are growing. More and more people are buying online and it's catchy. What people like bets about buying online is the easiness of it. It is so easy to buy online, across the world, and find the product that you were looking for. There is no need to run around from store to store, not having it in stock, too pricey etc. With the web at your fingertips, you sit in you bets recliner, and shop until you find what you want, at the price that you want, without having to drop.
At the same time, car cover sales are increasing too. Awareness of the necessity of car covers has grown and people are no linger considering it a luxury any more. People understand the dangers of keeping cars unprotected outdoors, and just how harmful nature can be.
Whilst we may love nature, and it is indeed beautiful, our cars do not quite agree. Cars get wrecked when left outdoors, exposed to the harsh elements of nature. The wind, rain, sun, snow, all of them, in their own way ruin both the interior and exterior of cars, so that they become a shadow of their former glory. Hence, car covers are the saviour. They shield and protect the cars beneath them from any sort of danger that comes their way.
So with increased car cover sales, and increased popularity of online shopping, merging the two seems ideal. Selling car covers wholesale online, has therefore become a big hit. It is everybody's game. Since everyone needs at least one cover, there is the need for so many wholesalers. What people tend to love most about wholesale covers are the prices. Cars are expensive machines, and need looking after. However no one wants to spend a fortune on just the car cover. Hence wholesale is the ideal. At wholesalers, car owners can buy their good quality covers for a more than reasonable price. This way, both the car, and the owner's pocket are happy.
Even if someone is not a car cover dealer, they can buy wholesale. A lot of wholesale companies are happy to sell the single item, and keep it at the wholesale price. Alternatively, you could get a group of friends together and purchase a bunch of cover, collectively, for all of you. This way everyone is happy. All of you and your cronies will retain clean, shiny cars, and not have to spend a lot at all. Your friends will also appreciate the immense amount of time you have saved them, had they purchased it alone themselves. All in all, everyone, will ultimately gain. 

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Government Auctions .org - Residual Income = More $$$/sale
Government auction is more prevalent to each and every folks in this world, contrary to online government auction as online government auction is just sprouting over in our globe and for this, we have to thank to this thing known as world wide web which has made it practical. I'm sharing this particular to the individuals who are questioning about the key reason why this online auction is appreciated. The excuse is in fact easy and that can best be summed up in one expression: comfort we have. Online auctions are simple since you work to finally share - 95% of the time as the staff could be dispatched instantly to your own home for little or no fee! It is that easy.
Because the consumers are much more familiarized to the recognized and popular auctioning online websites like eBay and Amazon, they are still unknown regarding the point that they could acquire a great deal on any things, especially jewelry, on online government auction. The key reason is that the government isn't seeking to generate an income on items such as that of private auctioneers. Things in the government auctions is of expansive variety ranging from different jewelries to the autos to the residential appliances which is one of the most appealing factor of it. These things are available for you there and it is fairly easy when it comes to online bidding.
Just in case you did not already know, surplus property auction is offered where you can find astounding deals on just about anything, specially jewelries, as extravagant jewelries on market are sold off in small dollars in here. Jewelries,automobiles, trucks, industrial devices and office materials are the frequent items in here. The term surplus fundamentally signifies that any extra or abandoned property by the government will be provided to the public through their auction.
Seized property auctions tend to trade the same types of products as surplus auction, nevertheless it is substantially distinct. The property or the items in seized property auction is relatively of improved quality. The reason for it is because goods and constant weekly inflow of items doesn't exceed the forfeiture, possibly as a result of spurious actions on the part of the last master or it was not able to complete payment of the item. Jewelry, for instance, is a hot item in the online auction block. Every 1 week the government receives hundreds rings, watches, and silver necklaces and auction them off for just a portion of what was originally paid for them. As previously mentioned, they are not auctioning these items to get income so they move their products as soon as possible to make the place for the subsequent batch of seized items arriving next week.
If you are looking at participating in online government auctions like the ones described, check out, this website is a collection of online government auction information and facts that can provide you with great number of different online auction government websites. Do you desire to attend the live government auction like that of traditional way? They have extra information regarding this too. In addition to the government auctions you can also find information on home loan and tax deed sales, as well as access to over 100,000 + real estate foreclosures. While you can get involved in some of these, then I recommend you save yourself time and trouble and try online auctions government first!
Online government auction is one good place to get the jewelries in affordable price.
You might have many problems regarding the online helpful government auction. That is why, we are always there for you. This is the finest place for the beginners who have never attended auction. And we will help you out.
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